The Chadds Ford Township Residents Association is a non-profit 501c3 volunteer organization comprised of local residents working to build a strong Chadds Ford community.
Your $100 Annual Membership helps fund:
- A $1500 Scholarship Award for a local high school senior
- Citizen of the Year Award
- Business of the Year Award
- Two Local Roadside Cleanups
- Halloween Trunk & Treat
- Holiday Tree Lighting
- Flag Collection and Retirement events
How the CFTRA can help your business:
- Listed as a supporter on the CFTRA website
- Certificate of Membership for display at business
- Featured on the Business Spotlight section of the CFTRA website homepage
- Special Business Profile posted to CFTRA social media and shared to other Chadds Ford social media (Chadds Ford Neighbors/Chadds Ford Pennsylvania= 6000+ distribution)
- Your business profile also shared via email to CFTRA members (local Chadds Ford residents)
- Opportunity to host CFTRA meetings and special events to increase exposure and community engagement
This page is for new Supporting Businesses, if you are a resident looking to join the CFTRA please go to the Become a Member page.
Donate to CFTRA
One-time donations to the Residents Association via check or PayPal are always welcome.